You Know, 2018

Sound Installation
1:03min loop

'You Know' is a sound installation inspired by Freudian Slip, with two hidden speakers in the studio. I adopted the words ‘you know’ from two different sound clips: one is from a concert record of my favorite rapper Shing02; another one is from an interview by artist Shezad Dawood. ‘You know’ is a language habit that English speakers always like to say in their daily lives, and it is one which sometimes gets quite annoying when people say it too much. By hiding two speakers in the dark studio and played them with the light off, it allows the audience to pay more attention to what they hear as opposed to what they see. When the repetition of the words ‘you know’ goes faster and louder towards the end, it created an atmosphere of anxiety. In this work, there is an emphasis on the lack of knowledge in languages, whilst also implying that ‘nothing’ could be ‘something’; and that ‘something’ could be ‘nothing’.