S O U P B O O K, 2024
HD Video with sound and colour
SOUPBOOK (2024) explores the conceptual connection between ‘Soup’ and ‘Notebook,’ merging these seemingly distinct elements as vessels for information, memory, and data. Beginning with the definition of ‘soup,’ the video delves into the artist’s imagination, drawing associations and juxtapositions between the concepts of soup and notebooks.
This visual essay plays with language, particularly through the phrase ‘hanging the soup,’ a direct translation of the Chinese term ‘吊高汤’ (meaning ‘making the broth’). In cooking, this process involves simmering bones, meat, seafood, or vegetables to extract a concentrated broth, with the solids removed once their essence has been fully drawn out. Similarly, a notebook functions as a medium to distill and preserve essential information, retaining only the most vital ideas—just as the soup holds onto its richest flavours.
This work was first showcased at the Open Studio at KOTE, Seoul, and later exhibited as part of the 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘱 𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥 by Critical Craft Collective and Tenthaus at Singapore Art Museum.
SOUPBOOK, 2024, HD Video with sound, colour, 3mins 05secs